Remember who you are
These are some pretty powerful words as in SecondLife I was and still struggle with this idea of who I am. As some of you on my Tiny Empires line know that I had switched places with my RL mom Shannon Sittingbull as a Viceroy when my mom had a stroke. I have had an amazing time before the switch happend before that time had happend I was known around parts of the grid as Neil Slade's and Shannon Sittingbull's daughter at certain clubs. Neil's rl daughter Nadia was more open at times about being a shifter on SL and not afraid of changing forms or even what others thought. Back then I wish I was as brave as she was. Most who know me either know me as a Neko or Human but not as the lioness or the wolf I have became.
Rafiki had it right when he said, "Yes the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it".

He makes me a better person even though I am constantly telling him to go away and just leave almost every other day. I don't understand how I can be so loved on my hard days. He gets me to do things that I haven't in years and I remember who I am. I am the artist the one who draws and paints colors into a world that if left alone would be dark and grey. So thanks to him I do remember and remembering at times hurts because not everything I have been through is pretty. There are others that I should thank as well but there would be too many people to list.