Thursday, November 12, 2015

If you Only Knew

If you only knew
I'm hanging by a thread
The web I spin for you
If you only knew
I'd sacrifice my beating
Heart before I lose you

Some days I'd be  lost with out  good friends who  let me   just   take  time  after  rl work and  just  sit and  chillax alone for an hour or so by  myself.  Its in the  quiet moments  that  sometimes  I realize that  I shouldn't have deleted a  picture  or  change my mind  about   what I loved about an  outfit or  something so old  that isn't   mesh but is still worth keeping. Music is  something that  certainly helps  with  all of that.

*Sponsored  Outfit*
Simply Me! - Catherine - comes with   black, white or Magenta shirt, black, dark denim and light  denim jeans.  Appliers for Omega, Slink,TMP and Belleza

Monday, October 12, 2015

Guess who's back

I've created a monster, 'cause nobody wants to
see Regi no more they want Regina I'm chopped liver
well if you want Regina, this is what I'll give ya

  Okay  so  I altered the Lyrics  just a little but  this is the truth. I had taken a break from  SL  for awhile and  things   felt  so  different when I came back. I made  some new changes. Rose like a phoenix and am  standing my ground. A lot has  changed  and as some of you readers know I am no longer working for Lovecats Designs.  

I am now  working with Instylez  as well as Simply Me! I've got so much to show  you all and this  is just a start of what's  to  come. So the  outfit  I am  wearing  is  from  Simply Me! and  I am  loving the color as  well  as design . The outfit  I am wearing is called Candy Love - Baby Girl  Edition  and comes in three delicious colors. The  colors of this  deliciously  hot outfit  are Cyan (which  I'm wearing), Pink and Yellow. For all you applier lovers this outfit has TMP, Belleza, and Omega appliers.

*Sponsored Outfit*
 Simply Me! - Candy Love - Baby Girl  Edition - Bra, Hotpants and Flexi Skirt

LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)

+HeadDesk+ Skye - Kawaii Color Hud
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink Flat Feet

Pictures were taken on the PickleSong Sim
lyrics  are  based off of  Eminem's  Without Me

Monday, July 27, 2015

More on the Lexi Project

There's so much that  needs to be  written and  I'm not sure how much a page or two could hold. People like Lexi are  why  some of us do Relay For Life. If  you haven't had a chance to  check out the Lexi Project Sim and see all the wonderful outfits the designers have to purchase. What's  stopping you.  All of the sales are going towards  Lexi's medical bills.

This very  cute  silver and purple dress  with  gold accent  is by Heydra and  something I'd  wear over and over again. The  dress can be found at the Lexi Project Sim. The  nails are from +Headdesk+ for the Lexi project which I previously  showed.

*Sponsored Items*
Heydra -Lexi Dress- The lexi project - Mesh silver dress with purple and gold accent

*Other Items*
Reign -LC Heels - comes with hud for slink feet- color shown -Black

 LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)

.Olive. - the  Tumble hair - Red Heads - comes with a hud
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rocking out The Lexi Project

Who  doesn't want to  say  #FUCKCANCER?  I know  I do. I know  I'm a little behind on  writing but that's  cause RFL weekend just happend. It  saddens me to know how many people we loose a year to cancer. 

Now Lexi is someone who is  28 years old and has been diagnosed with  Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. Lexi is not only well-known in SL but an extremely popular designer and creator and although I don’t know her personally, I can see by the comments of her friends that she is one of the genuine people in SL. The details of what is happening to Lexi (rl name Heather) can be found on her gofundme page.

 The land for the event is being donated by the brilliant team at Depraved Nation and I am sure hundreds of designers will be dropping everything they had planned to take part in this unique fundraiser. If you ever looked back at items you have bought in your inventory and thought ‘what a waste’ then this is a chance to know that the item you have purchased has made a real difference. Not only to Lexi but to her gorgeous 6 year old daughter.

The  event opens on July 26th  so  I encourage all  of you who are  reading this to  go to this amazing event and  spend those Lindens.


Now the  outfit I am  wearing  is called Kick Some A$$ by +FacePalm+  and my hair and nails are from  +HeadDesk+. The outfit comes with  a Scripted RLV collar, Mesh Skirt, a system tank top, hoop earrings, leather spiked bracelets and resizeable shit-kicker boots.The outfit has appliers for Maitreya and TMP for all you applier addicts. The hair is called Amy SE The Lexi Project -  has a headband  and  the hud for the hair is in shades of purple. There are  7 nail appliers for  the +HeadDesk+ Team Lexi Slink Nails.

*Sponsored Items*
+FacePalm+ Kick Some Ass - white tank top, red mesh plaid skirt, leather spiked bracelets,hoop earrings and resizeable chained leather shit kicker boots. Appliers for TMP and Maitreya.

+HeadDesk+ Team Lexi Slink Nails - 7 different nail appliers

+HeadDesk+ Amy SE The Lexi Project - Lavendar purple shade - comes with a hud


LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3- clean eyebrows
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
Slink Hands Elegant 1

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Vacation Getaway

 This  very  sweet summer dress called Fiona is pretty  much a  steal at  215Ls . Have trouble making up your mind which color you like the best then get the fat pack for  669Ls over at Heydra. I have the dress on in white but it  also comes in yellow,orange, grey and blue. The  hair and the hat is from  HeadDesk and is called Selene w/hat.  I love how the hat isn't attached to the hair because it makes  the hair more wearable  to everyone. The hair comes with a color hud  and I choose the brown shade to go  with the look of my outfit.

*Sponsored Items*
Heydra - Fiona dress- White
+HeadDesk+ - Selene w/ hat-  Brown  hair due to  color hud

*Body Items*
LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -So Cool- Tone3
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack-Blue3
{MC} Tuesday Eye Make up- Pretty in Pink
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Part of Your World

 Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?

Its true some would say that I am the girl who has everything but  everything doesn't make one feel happy or  complete. Although  I can  say a beautiful dress can change one's  outlook on a  rough day Ariel is a  dress that  can turn anyone into feeling like a Disney princess and  special.

This teal dress  is  highly detailed from the collar of the dress   to the mermaid length bottom of it and the shoes that  came with the dress are just as beautiful.

*Sponsored Items*
+Facepalm+ - Ariel - Mesh Dress with Standard 5 Mesh sizes and Shoes for Slink High Feet
Headdesk - Deadly Dreams Fatpack- Mermaid Hud -  Ginger/Red shade

The Attic - Twisted Magick - mesh  eyes (comes with a  color hud) (was a Twisted Hunt gift)
( S H O CK ) - Amber  Shape (group gift found on Marketplace)
Amacci - Favorite EyeLash 6 pack - Lux
Blacklace Beauty -Kismet Lipstick -Dark Merlot
LoveCats Design -Lilith Skin- Wine with  Everything - Tone 4
Slink High Feet
Slink Elegant I hands

Pictures were taken on the Kismet Store Sim
Lyrics taken from "Part of Your World"

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Boys of Summer

Hey  Everyone I  just wanted to  show off  this amazing  guys's   shirt called Eric Chess  Shirt.  Its available at  The Boys of Summer Event and is  only  125Ls.  There is also  the  Donovan Tank top available at this event .  The  Boys of  Summer Event runs  from now until June 30th.  Both of these  shirts could be considered unisex because I got them to  fit me. The shirt comes with Omega and TMP  appliers. This shirt comes in black, blue,gray,green,red,white and yellow and you get all these colors  for  125Ls

*Sponsored Items*
Heydra - Eric Chess Shirt - Shown in Black

*Other Items*
 Aftershok- baggy pants w/ belt  red checker

LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -14kt - Tone3
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
.ploom.- Seffy II -Blondes 2- purple streaks
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Half Way Down The Stairs

Halfway down the stairs is the stair where I sit
There isn't any other stair quite like it
I'm not at the bottom, I'm not at the top
So this is the stair where I always stop

Its  true  sometimes its best to just sit  and just  take a moment to  really  not do anything and take  a step back from  everything.  It feels good to  just stop moving for a little bit and relax. As well as to take time  for myself and to just be me. There are days on SL where   I'm doing so much that  I don't have  time to just  chill.

I've chosen to  show off the signature spectum  nose ring in silver from  Heydra and the Tribal  Rebel outfit  that  was done by Heydra for the BEWBAPALOOZA event. I  choose to wear the black but it does come in pink and purple as well.   The  Tribal  Rebel and  Tribal Angel   outfits are BEWBAPALOOZA's Exclusives.  The  outfits  are reasonable priced at 99Ls.  The event  runs from Now  until  June 10th.

*Sponsored Items*
Heydra - Signature Spectum Ring- Silver
Heydra- Tribal Rebel  outfit - Tee shirt,  Pants, and Appliers for : Omega, TMP and Slink Physique Only

*Other Items*
REIGN -LC heels- Group gift  for  slink high feet
 DP-Koffin Nails -Modern Grid - Applier # 2

 LoveCats Design - Lilith Skin -So Cool- Tone 3-black brow clean
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- green2
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
.Olive. - the Tumble- Red Heads ( Comes with  a color hud for hair)
:Wicked Tattoos:  Effect
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

Pictures  were taken at  Vida Virtual RPG
Lyrics  taken from  Amy Lee's  Half way down the Stairs

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ordinary Girl

She is literally
The polaroid of perfection
She has everything
And she'll give it to you
In a second

So its  true  I will  do anything for my  friends and some will  say that I'm  a fool for  doing such a  thing. Its  like some days  I think people have forgotten  the meaning of  being  a  true friend. Maybe I'm  just ranting here but if I ask for someone to come join me taking a picture thats going to  eat up less than  5 minutes of your time don't tell me  the day  you agreed upon to join me that  your suddenly  busy doing things with someone else but when I give up my time and I show up on time and help you out it would be  nice to be appreciated. Okay  so  mini rant over with.

So because of all this I  ended up taking these  stunning pictures all by myself. I choose to wear After Work from  +Face Palm+. Its an over sized mesh white opened button down collared shirt, white lacey system panties and grey  heels for  high slink feet. Ripley seem to  think of  everything because she also included  accessories.  The accessories are pearl dangle earrings,a pearl three strand choker, a ring and glasses. I  choose to show off everything but you  don't  have to do  such a thing at all.  All of my pictures were taken at the  Starlight theater. I took so many of them that it was hard to edited  how many to use  in the blog I took  about  10 pictures and choose 5 of my favorites.

*Sponsored Items*
+Face Palm+ - After Work-   White Mesh shirt, white panties, grey  heels for slink feet, earrings, ring, choker and  glasses.

*Body Parts*
 LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3
*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
.ploom. Imogen- Candy - comes with  a  hud for both hair and streaks-  hair is  red and black and  streaks are blood red in color
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

Pictures were taken from the Starlite Theater
Lyrics taken from the song Ordinary Girl


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Summer Time

I previously  showed  off my  hair from the  last  post I  did but  I figured that it  went well with the  outfit  I am wearing today. The  hair is from Clawtooth  from the Tag gatcha machine and is called Lady Lulu.

My  sweater  is the Carol Sweater from Heydra. This sweater comes with a  hud and  uses the  basic mesh sizing. The  hud that comes  with the Sweater has 15 designs to choose from  so it gives  one many  choices to  choose from as well as the ablity to  mix and  match. I  choose to  wear  shorts because  it  is  Summer  time  and  to show off that you can wear  a long sweater  with shorts.

*Sponsored Items*
Heydra - Carol Sweater- Mesh Sweater

*Other Items*
Flirts -Blue Jean  Shorts

LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3

*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
Clawtooth- Lady Lulu (Tag Gatcha Prize) : Pack #16 Shade Red
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

Thursday, May 7, 2015

All About the Wookie

 So  Tuesday  was May the 4th  so  I thought  I would so I would do  a  post on Star Wars. I've  choose  this  cute outfit from  +FacePalm+ called  Wookie.The outfit comes  with a black crop top hoodie featuring Chewbacca on it and cute brown capri styled pants that have a fur like texture to them.  Also  I've choose  to show the May the  4th group gift from  Nail Me! which  has  storm troopers, R2-D2, blue and a black galaxy sparkling  nail appliers. I  choose to go with the black nails as you can see because I thought  they  matched  my mood the best.

My hair is from Clawtooth  from the Tag gatcha machine. The Tag gatcha  event is currently over but had  mostly circus theme items from it.

*Sponsored Items*
+FacePalm+ ~ Wookie :  Crop top Mesh hoodie and  Mesh pants
Nail Me! ~ May the 4th Group Gift ~ Applier #4


LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3

*DL*Samurai Spirit Eye Pack- Blue1
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
Clawtooth- Lady Lulu (Tag Gatcha Prize) : Pack #16 Shade Red
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

 Pictures were taken at Inspire Space Park

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Haters gonna hate

I stay up too late
Got nothing in my brain
Thats  what people  say

Some people across the  grid actually  believe this about me because of what  I do on SL and  who  I hang around with. I say, "Shake it  off, Shake it off". I  honestly  think  a SL job doesn't  define who  one is.  If you want to get to know me approach me and  come learn about it.
+Facepalm+ is at the Hustle & Flow Event  until   April 25th.   There are  some other great stores at this event as well. All of the gatcha machines here are in the shape of the old time T.V. Sets. Nothing  at this  wonderful event cost more then $100Ls  which is great  for those of you who like to shop on a budget  like  I do.

 I've decided to show each piece of  the Trippin collection  because I  couldn't  decide  what  color pants I liked the best. The  shirt comes  with  a hud with three different  options  to  choose from  which is great because the  hud makes it  easier to  change  shirts  whenever  the mood strikes.  You  can  wear the shirt  with other pants and the pants with  other  tops.

Sponsored Items :
+FacePalm+  Trippin  Tank Top with shirt hud ( rare)
+FacePalm+ Trippin Pants : Black (common) Green (common) Pink( common) Plum (Common) and Red (rare)

LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3

LoveCats Design Beguiling Eyes -Aurora

{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)

{LCKY}Chobii-Dipped Pack  with Color hud
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet

I stay up too late
Got nothing in my brain
That's what people say

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Rock Attitude Fashion Fair

I wish that I could be like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in
I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Its true that for a long time  I wanted to fit in and to be part of the "it crowd" and then I realised how unhappy those people truly are. Its hard to keep up with the in crowd  anyways  even in SL and it gets pretty expensive.

All of the pictures I took were  taken at the Rock Attitude Fashion  Fair. It was my first time exploring the Rock Attitude Fashion Fair Sim. It runs until April 11th so still plenty of time to  run around picking up some really great outfits from some amazing designers.  I had gotten a few stores recommended to me while I was there to check out. I couldn't stop snapping up pictures while I  was there.

I choose the Monroe heels and the Pink Zebra Kitty Dress from Heydra to wear to the event as well as Sweet Tart nails from Nail Me! Yes its rare for me  to be wearing anything pink but the dress was cute. My cute hair and cat ears headband is from  the  newly reopened   Spellbound and is called Momo. The hair has a color hud and comes  in different  color shades. I  went with the  Rainbow colors on this really cute hair. There's a few other colors for the headband but I  chose the pink one because it went with my outfit.

Sponsored Items
Heydra -Monroe Heels- Black
Heydra -Kitty Dress- Pink Zebra
Nail Me! - Sweet Tart Nails - #

LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3
LoveCats Design Beguiling Eyes -Aurora
{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
Spellbound - Momo- Rainbow- Red- with Pink Cat ears headband
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet
All pictures  were taken at the  Rock Attitude Fashion Fair  Sim 
Lyrics are from  Echosmith's "Cool Kids"

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Look at me, you may think you see
Who I really am but you'll never know me
Every day it's as if I play a part

Its  true we  don't always  see who  we are when we  look into  the mirror or even let  those closest to  us to  see that  person that  we're  hiding from them. Maybe its because  its  done  so out of fear,  out of rejection or maybe its because of  what society  says  we should be. I  am  one of those rare few diamonds in the rough who likes to  shine for me.  I don't listen to  what society says  I should wear or how  I should  dress like.  I dress for me even if somedays it feels like to others that I am wearing a mask. I do things for me not what  anyone else says I should be.
The Blossom nails from  Nail Me! went well  with the outfit Satsu version 2 from  +Facepalm+.  Ripley got inspiration for the outfit from the movie Memoirs  of a Geisha. Its a great movie that follows the  theme of  the song lyrics  I've chosen and the message of today's blog as well as the movie The Joy Luck Club. If  you haven't seen either their  great movies to  watch.  

*Sponsored Items*
+FacePalm+-Satsu Version 2- Mesh dress and  Slink
Nail Me! -Blossom Nails- Nail appliers #4 and #6


LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3

LoveCats Design Beguiling Eyes -Aurora

{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)

Alice Project -Meiya- Fat pack (Black shown)
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Slink High Feet
Pictures were taken at FTL Mainstore

Thursday, March 26, 2015

We both knew

This type of life
didn't come with instructions
So I’m trying to do my best

Its  true  life  does not come  with instructions and  some days are a little fustrating then  others. I personally think life would be more complicated if it came with instructions. Those are the days  where  I am thankful the most for some of the best friends a girl can  ask for. Sometimes pep talks  are all  a girl needs. Somedays like in the song lyrics  say I wish my sl partner in crime would just "get your ass back home" so we could have  a few good random silly moments. Since my friends were busy  at the time  I wanted to take pictures, I convinced two of my cute little Fennux friends to join  me for some snapshot fun.

 In  the  End outfit from  +FacePalm+ is a sweet alternative  punk outfit that is good for any rocker event  that one might club hop to. The  entire outfit is mesh. Its finally nice to have a designer  who is  great at making alternative style clothing   for those of us who aren't always a girly girl all the time. My  hair is  from .ploom. and is called Seffy. I  choose the blonde shade just to show not  all rocker girls have to have dark hair or  even  crazy crayon colored hair to be alternative.

*Sponsored Items*
+FacePalm+- In The End-  Tank top, pants and doc martin boots


LoveCats Design  Lilith Skin -Bitch on the Prowl - Tone3
LoveCats Design Beguiling Eyes - Spring Glade

{ S H O C K} Amber shape ( found on marketplace)
.ploom.-Seffy 2-Blondes 2-Champagne (with pink streak on the side due to color hud)
Slink Hands Elegant 1
Pictures were taken at  The Gluehouse