I spent well over a 1,000 in Ls but the money that was spent is going to a cause that I believe in. I am looking forward into spending as much time and energy on the track this year for Relay weekend taking pictures as well as making some new friends as well as struggling in saying good bye to all those that we have lost.

I know in neither of my Fantasy Faire posts that I did not go into details about what I'm wearing or who designed my outfits and hair. I normally would go into details but to me personally events like Fantasy Faire, RFL as well as Burning man I feel that the details of such would take away from the beauty of the pictures. Especially when I change clothes so quickly at these events that it would take forever because the pictures are sometimes days apart. Yes I love to go into detail normally but I want to share with everyone my thoughts and my feelings over the past week or so. If you ask me events like these are too short to see everything if you work the insanity hours that I work rl wise. No one tells you that you can't see everything in the given 18 days even if you barely sleep and try your best to hit every single sim to see all the amazing wonderful experience that their are. Some of these pictures that I took are some of my personal favorites. I ended up taking over a couple hundred pictures. Each of the chosen pictures have a personal or special meaning to those who have become as close as family to me. I think its a nice break to just go enjoy something like this. I went almost every day that I could with either a SL family member or a friend.