Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Remember who you are

Remember who you are

These are some pretty powerful words as in SecondLife I was and  still struggle with this idea of who I am. As some of you  on my Tiny Empires line know that I  had switched places with my  RL mom Shannon Sittingbull  as a Viceroy  when my mom had a stroke. I have had an amazing time before the switch happend  before that time had happend  I was known around parts of the grid as  Neil Slade's and Shannon Sittingbull's daughter at  certain clubs. Neil's rl daughter Nadia was more open at times about being a shifter on SL and not afraid of changing  forms or even what others thought.  Back then  I wish I was as brave as she was. Most who know me  either know me as a Neko or Human but not  as the lioness or the wolf I have became.

Rafiki had  it right when  he said, "Yes the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it". 

I refuse to take away my Secondlife past as I journey into the future. Some have even told me on the day of my recent SL handfasting that  what I was doing was a mistake and that I was losing myself for  the other person. I say I disagree to  what the others say and that I haven't lost myself at all  and that  I  gained someone  I shouldn't have lost and let go in the first place. They all said the first time when my now Partner got  together with me then as well that we were rushing into things. If  I am making a mistake it is no one but my own to make.

He makes me a better person even  though  I am constantly  telling  him  to go away and just leave almost every other day. I don't understand how I can be so loved on my hard days. He gets me to do things that  I haven't in years and I remember who I am. I am the artist the one who  draws and paints colors  into a world  that if left  alone  would be dark and grey.  So thanks to  him I do remember and  remembering at times hurts because  not everything I have been through is pretty. There are others  that I should thank as well but there would be too many people to list.